The best day of my life сачыненне

Сипачёва Крысціна. Школа №2, Салікамск, Пермскі край, Расія

Складанне на англійскай мове з перакладам (топік па ангельскай мове)

The best day of my life

May be for somebody that wouldn`t be the best day of thin life, but for me it is the best one.

I imagine, I`m come in London for one day. I`d like to see every part of London because I`d like to get a full impression of this city.

Firstly, I`d go to the City, in the heart of London. There are a lot of shop, clubs, cafes and many other interesting billings. I`d go shopping of London and would buy any nonsense. I`d go to Madam Tussaud`s museum in order to see Bill Kaulitz`s figure and photograph with it. This is my sweet dream which I`d like to realize in this city.

Then, I`d walk on the streetalong London and fake picture everything that would be one my way.

That would be one of the happiest days in my life!

Можа быць, для каго-небудзь гэта не самы лепшы дзень у іх жыцці, але для мяне так.

Я ўяўляю, як калі б на адзін дзень апынулася ў Лондане. Я б абыйшла ўсе яго часткі, каб атрымаць поўнае ўражанне ад гэтага горада.

Перш за ўсё я пайшла ў Сіці, у самым сэрцы Лондана, таму што там шмат крамаў, клубаў, кафэ і іншых цікавых ведаў. Там я б пайшла ў крамы і купляла б усякае глупства.

Далей, я б схадзіла ў музей Мадам Цюсо, каб сфатаграфавацца з васковай фігурай Біла Каўліца.

Гэта самая мая запаветная мара, якую я б ажыццявіла ў Лондане.

У застаўшыся час, я б блукала па вуліцах Лондана і фатаграфавала ўсе, што б мне траплялася на шляху.

Вось гэта і быў бы адзін з найшчасных дзён маім жыцці.

сесія City Guilds у Расіі, Красавік — чэрвень 2014

The best day of my life сачыненне


It was 17th of June. It was the best day of my life, because I was waiting for this moment for a long time. It was my 18th birthday. My sweet 18.

A few days before, I thought, that it will be the best day of my life and I spend it with my family, and in the evening I will make a big party with all my friends. But when that day came, it wasn’t such as I was dreaming about it. My parents had got for me a big surprise. It was a really big surprise but horrible, They told me, that we are going on holiday to Bulgaria and we are leaving in the afternoon. I was sad. It wasn’t my decision and I was angry at my parents. Why didn’t they ask me, if I want to be miles away on my birthday without my friends or my grandparents and the rest of my family? I was so disappointed. How could they do this to me? With a tears in my eyes I was packing my clothes into my suit case. We were travelling by car. I fell asleep. When I wake up, I couldn’t believe my eyes. I was at my gradmother’s new big house near Nitra, with a big pool outside of the house. It was great! Everything was decorated, and there were all my friends and my family too. I didn’t understand it. My mother told me, that a holiday in Bulgaria was a joke. I was so happy, because the party was great.

I’m a lucky girl to have such a friends and family around me, because they made for me the best present for my birthday. We were all together and we had the best party time. It was the most interesting day of my life.

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